Monday, May 27, 2013

68 Years Ago, We Had Defeated Nazi Germany and Were About to Defeat Imperialist Japan

From the strong, thriving Republic at the end of the Second Punic War, to the demise of the Roman Republic, was a period of about only 130 years. 

Could we be over halfway through a similar time frame? 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Getting Out and About

We are surrounded by the hurting, especially the emotionally and spiritually hurting.  And we do a lousy job of helping them, let alone helping them heal.  But maybe most importantly, we don’t even do the first thing, which is just to get to know them.  Because we are a disconnected society, too much hyperindividualism, too much pretension and denial about all that.

In America, most of it is not nearly as dangerous as you think it is, at least during the day.  Often irrational and unfounded fear is holding you back from experiencing the wonders that your community has.  The people you will meet, the places you will see, the neighborhoods, the history, the stories, are far richer than you probably think.  You probably know a little of this already, the last time you turned up a street and found yourself saying “I didn’t know there was…”

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Society expects ONE woman to satisfy all a man’s needs and desires professionally, socially, emotionally, and sexually.  How many lucky happenstances occur to do that?  Few, because it’s statistically a tall order.  And it’s probably similar on the female side, although they are probably better than men at justifying and compensating due to the family and age imperative that usually weighs in at some point.

Is it even possible to envision a society where jealousy is muted and more fulfillment for more people is possible?  Or are jealousy and endless emotional upheavals inevitable in perpetuity because we are stuck in a self-locking box of biology and culture intertwined like a Gordian knot?