Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Miss Much? :)

The clamor because I didn't post here on Sunday must be in dog hearing range, because I haven't noticed it, lol.

I was just going to point out, relating to the P&H postings:  Grover Cleveland was nearly 50 when he courted the 20 year old who would become his wife. 

Cultural settings, and, well, times, make for interesting observations.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Desperate For Help—That Only Comes From Those Little Able To Help

Many charitable organizations or true non-profits are so desperate for your small donation that if you give some pittance, you will be besieged with pleading successive supplications from them and others.  They don’t have big donors (because they largely are in opposition); they mostly only have you.  They are being starved because they have no big donors AND those they would get assistance from—the disappearing middle class—cannot even assist themselves.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

To Forget and To Not

It is the little help and heavy plague of many foreign cultures that they cannot forget.

It is the little help and heavy plague of American culture that it almost always forgets.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

No Canon

Don’t canonize the World War Two generation.  They were indeed great, and we owe much to them, but they had great faults too.  They accepted, largely without question, environmental damage in return for apparent economic prosperity. They created the CIA.  They passed the National Security Act. They wittingly and unwittingly embraced, without much remorse, all the gross excesses of anti-communism.  At the height of their voting power, they welcomed (albeit without always realizing it) an economic and political ideology that would end up gutting the middle class.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Slush and Sleaze

Why do so many “good” politicians run crappy ad campaigns?  Because the only way they get precious airtime is if they play by consultant rules, because those consultants have the magic keys to that airtime. And those consultants know one game. 

Consultants who usually favor just one party, btw.

Democratic and Republican candidates and their campaigns write panic-like letters about how they have to have your money or the other side will overwhelm them.  Then they go on to win by a 70+% margin in their gerrymandered districts. 

It all comes across as so sleazy, one wonders if they truly stand for anything.

The ocean of money in our political system, and all its many effects before, during, and after a campaign.