Sunday, September 28, 2014

Some Words For Literacy

Our reading of lengthy works is at an 80 year low. 80 years ago, those considered educated had a vocabulary of 42,000 words.  Today one is considered educated with a vocabulary of 8,000 words. 

Does that mean we communicate more clearly today, with little “unnecessary” verbiage?  Or does it mean we have more difficulty communicating complex subjects and so do not delve into them?  And one could easily surmise that not reading lengthy works and stunted vocabularies become intertwined, self-degenerative, ever-decreasing concentric circles. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

"Con! Con!"

Wait, that’s not what Kirk meant when he said that in Star Trek II? :)

Neo-cons.  They believed their own simplistic drivel, neither seeking nor caring to truly know about the world.  They saw the world through narrow eyes, and refused to accept contradicting evidence, even as it mounted.  They are testament about why America shouldn’t ever turn things over again to their myopic, delusional, self-centered, unexamining asses.  Certainly we shouldn’t listen to them, about the same sector of the world that they screwed up so royally.

Or maybe they were conning, pun intended, from the very first, intent only on enriching themselves and their friends, and driving the govt into weakness and unable to oppose them.

Either way, that the American corporate media still showcases them serves as ample evidence of who actually controls what.  An alien outsider would comment that no rational people not in servitude to another class would give credence to the discredited.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Paying For The Lack Of Attention

A society too busy, too overscheduled, too hyper-involved, with too much personal burden and too little communal support, is ripe for manipulation.  By those who know that time cannot or will not be spent in gathering real information, in reflection, in calm discussion.  Who does that serve?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

An Oily Situation

We have more supply, and reduced demand, of oil, but prices stay high.  Why?

Because 80% of the market is controlled by Wall Street connected speculators to keep prices high so they can make obscene profits.

Off you.  They would thank you for your addiction, but they don’t want the publicity.