Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Shinier Side of the Coin

As a historian as well as political scientist, I am aware (but perhaps not keenly enough!) that some things have certainly improved. Here’s my list of things that I will keep adding to as time goes on (readers’ additional suggestions welcomed!):

1. Regardless of covert prejudice, there is less overt prejudice in our society, and easier intermingling of people of all different races, creeds, colors, gender, etc., and with this toleration and even welcoming, more opportunities for those than before.

2. Much technology has made our lives potentially more convenient (whether we have filled that convenience with other things is another matter!).

3. The generational divide is not as keen (I am aware that there are some drawbacks to this as well).

4. Entertainment possibilities are greater than ever (same caveat as 3 above).

5. Varieties of food are greater than ever, and awareness and appreciation of those foods as well.

6. There are a LOT of good books and magazines (and blogs!) to read (whether there are a lot of GREAT books and magazines and blogs is a matter of taste).

7. Travel is more possible than ever.

8. There are lots more fun ways to keep fit.

9. Communication is easier than ever.

10. We know a lot more of what works and what doesn’t work.

11. Desired information is often easily at hand.

12. As a human race, we appear to be less warlike than we once were.

13. Air Conditioning (even though, interestingly enough, drawbacks here as well).

14. Conception Control (some think there can be drawbacks here as well).

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