Sunday, February 12, 2012

Inside Your? Valentine

Refusing to accept something does not make it untrue.  How many women (and men) find it incomprehensible “how he/she could ‘cheat’ on me.”  This “cheating” (I despise the word for a whole host of intellectual and presumptive/insinuative reasons) is a complex thing, much of it biology driven (drive of men for sexual conquest and subliminal procreation), some of it relationship and missing needs driven, some of it thrill-seeking and excitement driven, and even a bit of it at times a reaction to psychological-emotional damage of the past in one or more of those involved.

And now comes one more contributor: Oxytocin.  Apparently, new research suggests, the presence (or lack) of this emotional attachment hormone helps plays a large part in determining how monogamous someone FEELS (which, as we know, often, although not always, determines how one acts).  “Cads,” “players,” “sluts,” “cheaters,” etc.—the reasons for their behavior may be a lot more understandable now.  Conversely, the relative ease that some couples and individuals have with monogamy may also be a lot more understandable.

But I can hear the significant others now: “I don’t care if you did get tested as low on the hormone; if you do anything, it’s CHEATING, and you’re SCUM!” :)

And so it goes. :)

What’s really interesting is to observe one person in a relationship “cheat” on their “significant” other, and then be hurt and incensed when they find out that the other has done the same thing.  The hypocritical outrage and condemnation is truly a thing to behold!

Ah, the genders.  Never a dull moment!  Of history repeating itself. 

Over and over and over and over…

The original drama?  Long before the Greeks “created” it, certainly! :)

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