Sunday, August 25, 2013

Douchenozzles and Bitter Ironies

A friendly neighborhood pub was “stung” by an underage operation which consisted of this: a couple, both one month shy of being 21, went in, sat down and ordered.  Both looked not only 21 but actually at least 5 years older, maybe 26 or 27.  They were served by the busy bartender, didn’t touch their drinks, and walked out.  In came the alcohol enforcement officer, who cited both the bartender and the pub owner. 

The bartender was a veteran one of 15 years.  The owner, whose establishment does not exactly make a screaming fortune, was forced by the incident to hire 1-2 entrance guard/checkers a night at significant financial impact to his business.

Business owners often complain of government interference and regulation.  This is an example.  It’s not one that affects the plutocrats, who have the wealth and influence to neutralize any real impactful things to them.  It instead affects the middle class small business owners, many of whom are barely making it.

And the irony you ask?  Republicans often scream about excess government and regulation.  This alcohol enforcement officer, who spent public money to set up this overdone, entrapping, needless, and what will be perpetually harmful operation (for something that wasn’t a problem), is a son of..the local Republican Party chairman.

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