Sunday, April 27, 2014

Taxing Principles 001

The cultural self-implosion of anti-tax, anti-govt “libertarian” “patriot” (I can hardly use those words about him, even in quotes) Cliven Bundy will hopefully cause his and his ilk’s supporters (some of whom are quite famous) to reassess the means and character of that support—and maybe look inside themselves.

But let’s knock down one thoroughly unexamined premise (which many hold to be “absolutely true!”) of the anarchic, selfish, hyper-libertarians who are often barely witting tools of the upper class: that the Constitution forbids income taxation.


Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the US Constitution is direct refutation to the ignorance of those who say income tax is unconstitutional.  Congress—the people’s at least ostensible representatives—can assess whatever’s needed to make the US government function.

The 16th Amendment only adds clarifying specificity.  The above clause really does it all.

A certain amount of taxation is a necessary price so we can have civilization.  Let’s discuss about the character and extent of that certainly, but the principle is settled, emplaced logic if you are a citizen.

And citizen, well, that’s a whole ‘nother subject! 

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