The ethical decline of selfish “elites,” and
the spiritual vacuousness of the West in general, and the US in particular, are
demonstrated in how many non-elites are willing to join anything with a sense
of surety, even if that surety comes with a violent and regressive nature, as
with the Islamic State group. If that
surety is also trying to overthrow the often corrupt and often self-serving
Western and Western-supported order, it finds even more attraction. Those willing to join have morphed from
Middle-Eastern related people to people of all kinds. Will this cause the West, and especially the
US, to look at itself? Unlikely. What is more likely is that the West will
merely escape into more diversion, denial, and blind reaction. A foundational crisis—already in motion from
environmental and other factors—could be in the offing, and failing to meet
that crisis would signal the decline and fall, however slowly or quickly, of
Western civilization. Ironically, just
as much of the world wants so many elements of that civilization.
Rather like Rome less than 2000 years ago.