Monday, January 16, 2012

The Boxer Who Never Took a Month Off to Rest, The Woodcutter Who Never Sharpened His Axe

Post World War 2 America inserted itself into every manner of international involvement, and that injecting of itself into center stage demanded much from a people and a society. 

The American people did not deliver, either domestically or internationally.   They remained in the main unengaged and uninterested, acquiescing to interventionist impulses of those they put in power and then promptly ceased vigilance on.

As strategies and strategists go, pretty much a failure.  The most they would get from a generous but unbiased grader is a D- or D, but that would be due more to lucky events and the inherent flaws of enemies than to forethought and will.

The US has blown the lull period.  Sure, in the Cold War.  But beyond that, especially, when so much money and effort should have been made to rest and recuperate and even advance.  Instead, we got bases, intervention, power projection, and general militarization, along with money funneled in effectively corrupt trainloads to defense, intelligence, “security,” etc. contractors.  We built navies and air forces that not only were largely effectively unused (and certainly not for vital American interests), but wouldn’t have been regardless, probably even if they had been the right type and amount (and they were neither).  We DO need a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) naval force for addressing piracy and keeping open the seas, but little else.  We MIGHT need a UNSC air force. 

There IS no perfect security.  Everything you do to make your country MORE secure militarily comes at a cost—a steep cost—to the very economic and social health that is the true power of your society. 

Can our Framers look any wiser?  Or we any more foolish?

Historians are not going to be kind…

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