7 federal prosecutors were fired during the Bush administration because they raised objections to wasting precious resources looking for voter fraud when they knew there was next to none.
The rest of the Justice Dept looked. At a cost of several tens of millions of dollars. They found 30 cases. Most of those were explained away by people who had completed a prison sentence, and then voting in a state where they couldn’t anymore. Now, completing a prison sentence normally restores voting rights. But for these former prisoners in the few states where voting rights disappear for good, some few people didn’t know that and attempted to vote. 30 people, out of 250 million. So one has a greater chance of being struck by lightning than voter fraud happening.
Is there some evidence that I am missing? Because unless I am, it appears that campaigns against “voter fraud,” campaigns manifesting as highly restrictive, obstructive, bureaucratic roadblocks that use “anti-voter fraud” as cover, appear to have a sinister motive. As in taking away a person’s right to vote (Constitutional violation of a fundamental/foundational right).
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